Diplomatic efforts for resolving the constitutional crises


  • ECOWAS Commission condemns the attempted coup d’etat in Niger, “…condemns in the strongest terms the attempt to seize power by force and calls on the coup plotters to free the democratically-elected President of the Republic immediately and without any condition.” (ECOWAS-CEDAO Statement)
  • The Chairperson of the African Union Commission H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, strongly condemns the coup attempt in Niger, “….calls on the people of Niger, all their brothers in Africa, particularly in ECOWAS, and around the world, to join their voices in unanimous condemnation of this coup attempt, and for the immediate and unconditional return of the felon soldiers to their barracks.”  (African Union Chairperson Statement)


The UN Secretary General demanded the release of Niger’s president Mohamed Bazoum “immediately and unconditionally”. (United Nations - UN Chief)


  • AU PSC condemns the military coup d’etat and “demands the military personnel to immediately and unconditionally return to their barracks and restore constitutional authority, within a maximum period of fifteen days…”. The AU PSC also requested for the Chairperson of the AU Commission to work in close coordination with ECOWAS and regional actors. (African Union)
  • UNSC condemned the coup attempt in Niger and “the members of the Security Council reiterated their support to the efforts of ECOWAS and the African Union to reverse the trends of unconstitutional changes in governments through the strengthening of the existing governance and normative frameworks” (United Nations)
  • European Union condemns the coup in Niger (European Union - Statement by the High Representative on Behalf of EU)


European Union suspends financial support and “all cooperation activities in the field of security” (European Union - Statement by High Representative Joseph Borrell)


ECOWAS called for the “immediate release and reinstatement of President Mohamed Bazoum as President and Head of State of Niger, and for the full restoration of constitutional order in the Republic of Niger” and “In the event the Authority’s demands are not met within one week, take all measures necessary to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger. Such measures include the use of force; to this effect, the Chiefs of defense staff of ECOWAS are to meet immediately”. ECOWAS also put up the following sanctions: closure of land and air border, an ECOWAS no-fly zone on all commercial flights to and from Niger, suspension of all commercial and financial transactions, freeze of all service transactions, asset freeze, suspension of all financial assistance and transactions with all financial institutions, particularly EBID and BOAC, travel ban and asset freeze for military officials, their families and other civilians involved in the coup  (ECOWAS-CEDAO)


Chad President Mahamat Idriss Déby Inyo, who has volunteered to speak to the military leaders in Niger and report to the chairman of ECOWAS, met Niger’s ousted President Mohamed Bazoum (BBC, The Guardian)


The ECOWAS Committee of Chiefs of Defense Staff (CCDS) met in Abuja on the political situation in Niger. (ECOWAS-CEDEAO Press Statement)


A three-person delegation led by Former Nigerian Head of State and military leader General Abdulsalami Abubaker arrived at Niamey Airport but even after 5 hours of discussions, they were not allowed to leave the airport. (Vanguard, Sahara Reporters)


Conclusion of the ECOWAS Committee of Chiefs of Defense Staff (CCDS) meeting. The defence ministers set a date for a military intervention, pending the final decision of the Heads of States of ECOWAS member states. ECOWAS Commissioner Abdul-Fatau Musah announced that the elements of possible intervention, the necessary resources, and the way and time of deployment have been developed. (VOA, Al Jazeera)


The ECOWAS-AU-UN Mission to Niger was aborted following the unavailability of the military authorities to receive the tripartite delegation (ECOWAS-CEDEAO Press Statement)


  • The Chairman of the PSC for August 2023, the President of the Republic of Burundi Évariste Ndayishimiye travelled to Abuja, Nigeria to attend the ECOWAS Extraordinary Summit on the Situation in Niger (Presidency of Burundi Communiqué)
  • ECOWAS Heads of State convened another extraordinary summit on the situation in Niger where it “ordered the deployment of the ECOWAS standby force to restore constitutional order in the Republic of Niger” as well as calling the African Union to endorse all the decisions taken by ECOWAS on the situation in Niger and for the UN to support its efforts. It ordered the operation to start as soon as possible  (ECOWAS-CEDEAO Communiqué).
  • Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Senegal and Benin agreed to deploy troops within the ECOWAS standby force. (Daily Trust, BBC)


  • Chairperson of AU Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat expresses support for the decision of ECOWAS and concern for poor conditions of detention of President Mohamed Bazoum (African Union Commission Communiqué)
  • Meeting of ECOWAS Chiefs of Defence Staff to inform ECOWAS leaders on best options for activating and deploying military force scheduled for August 12 in Accra, Ghana was postponed. (Al Jazeera, The Guardian)


ECOWAS issued a press statement condemning the attempt of Niger’s military junta to bring charges of high treason against President Mohamed Bazoum (ECOWAS-CEDEAO Press Statement)

17-18 AUGUST

The ECOWAS Chiefs of Defence Staff (CCDC) met in Accra, Ghana to commence the activation of the ECOWAS Standby force and finalise plans for its deployment (DWPremium Times Nigeria)


ECOWAS delegation met head of Niger's CNSP, General Abdourahmane Tchiani and visited President Mohamed Bazoum in Niamey, Niger. (Vanguard News, DW) 


ECOWAS rejects the proposal of Niger’s junta for a three-year transition plan (ReutersBBC)


The AU PSC suspends Niger from all Africa Union Institutions and Activities, additionally stipulating that it supports the diplomatic efforts of ECOWAS. Regarding the potential for a military intervention, the PSC stated that it "takes note of the ECOWAS’ decision to deploy Standby Force and requests the AU Commission to undertake an assessment of the economic, social and security implications of deploying a Standby Force in Niger and report back to Council” (AU-PSC)


Niger’s ruling junta authorised Mali and Burkina Faso to intervene on its behalf if the country faces a possible military intervention from ECOWAS, after the foreign ministers of the three countries met in Niamey. (ReutersThe North Africa Post)


ECOWAS Commission President Omar Alieu Touray addressed Niger's political situation in an international press conference:

  • ECOWAS seeks diplomatic solutions in Niger but doesn't rule out deploying the regional standby force. The reason why initially ECOWAS decided to invoke the clause for legitimate force use in Niger is after assessing the political dialogue's failure. ECOWAS hasn't declared war on Niger and deploying the regional force isn't an “act of invasion”.
  • ECOWAS is using various strategies, liaising with Niger's military authorities, and collaborating with the AU and UN. ECOWAS hopes diplomacy will avert the need for force deployment.
  • ECOWAS's diplomatic initiatives include the first mission by the ECOWAS Chair on 26th July 2023, the second mission led by Gen. Abdu Salaam and the Sultan of Sokoto, and a halted joint mission involving the AU and UN."
  • ECOWAS activated a full-scale application of sanctions, including legitimate use of force, to re-establish constitutional order. ECOWAS's sanctions and actions stem from its 1991 Declaration, 1993 revised Treaty, 1999 Protocol on Prevention, Management, Resolution, Peacekeeping and Security, and the 2001 Democracy and Governance Supplementary Protocol."
  • ECOWAS urged the military takeover to reconsider their actions, stating ECOWAS won't tolerate a coup and emphasizing the security and safety of President Bazoum and his government.
  • ECOWAS supports Niger's people, advocating for their democracy and freedom, and free movement within the community. ECOWAS acts in the interest of Niger's people and the entire ECOWAS community.


ECOWAS issued a Communique regarding the fake proposed timeframe for a transition in Niger. In the Communique, ECOWAS emphasized the need for the military authorities in Niger to promptly return to constitutional order by freeing and reinstating President Bazoum.

24 FEBRUARY 2024

ECOWAS lifts coup sanctions on Niger in a new push for dialogue.