Provisional Program of Work for the Month of April 2022
Date | April 2022
Burundi assumes the role of chairing the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) during April. The provisional program of work for the month, envisages seven substantive sessions including two on country situations.
On 1 April, the PSC receives a briefing on mine action, ahead of the commemoration of International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, which is observed annually on 4 April. The meeting is convened through physical presence of participants. Last time the theme of mine action was discussed by Council was September 2021, at its 1032nd meeting. In addition to reflecting on the latest developments in mine action on the continent, the briefing serves to outline and follow-up on the status of implementation of some of the key decisions of Council’s 1032nd session, including its request for the AU Commission to integrate mine action within the AU Master Roadmap of Practical Steps to Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2030.
On 6 April, Council is scheduled to receive a briefing on continental early warning and security outlook. It is to be recalled that at its previous session on the theme – the 1014th session held in July 2021 – Council comprehensively highlighted the major peace and security challenges in the continent, drawing particular attention to the growing rate of terrorism. Accordingly, it requested to be updated on the status of development of a 5-year strategic roadmap for prevention and combating terrorism and violent extremism, a request initially made at its 687th session. One key area of focus at the upcoming session could therefore be a follow-up on the development of this strategic roadmap.
On 8 April, the PSC will consider and adopt the draft provisional programme of work for the month of May 2022, via email exchange.
On 12 April, Council is scheduled to receive a briefing on the activities of AU Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and operational cost of the Mission, which has replaced the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). In 2022 alone, the Council has dedicated two sessions to discuss the reconfiguration of AMISOM. The mandate of ATMIS started on 1 April and the session on 12 April will be the first one to consider the new mission. At its 1068th session convened on 8 March, Council adopted key decisions with regards to the transition of AMISOM, including the authorization of ATMIS in replacement of AMISOM, effective as of 1 April 2022. Critical issues that may be discussed at the forthcoming session include establishing sources of financing of ATMIS, such as through the support from the European Peace Facility and UN assessed contributions.
An update on countries in transition including Sudan, Chad, Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso is scheduled for 14 April. The session presents the PSC an opportunity to reflect on the various developments in the countries and to also follow up on its previous decisions on the respective country specific situations. The session will also take place as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has set new deadlines for Mali, Guinea and Burkina Faso to hold elections and restore civilian rule.
On 19 April, the PSC is scheduled to have a meeting to follow up on the February 2022 Great Lakes Summit which was convened in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The Summit was the 10th in a series convened with the central purpose of assessing the status of implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework (PSCF) and general efforts in stabilizing the region, with a particular focus on eastern DRC. The session can also serve as an opportunity to address recent developments in the eruption of fighting between the Congolese army and M23 which has led to the displacement of nearly 36,000 people within the country according to UNHCR figures.
On 21 April, a session dedicated to a debate on climate change, peace and security in Africa is scheduled to take place. The last PSC session dedicated to the theme of climate change was the 1051st session convened in November 2021. The planned session serves to follow up on some of Council’s calls and requests from the previous session including the status of establishment of the Climate Change Fund and the Continental Civil Capacity for Disaster Preparedness and Response, as well as the finalization of a climate-related security risks assessment study. Council may also once again welcome Egypt’s presidency of the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP) to United Nations (UN) Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to be held in November 2022 and encourage member States and all other relevant AU actors to take the opportunity to advance African priorities in the global climate change forum. The session may serve to highlight the need for a common African position and an approach in which African states speak in one voice in various climate related forums.
The reflection meeting on Youth, Peace and Security in Africa scheduled for 25 April will be held in Burundi with the participation of the second cohort of African Youth Ambassadors for Peace (AYAPs) and Evariste Ndayishimiye as the guest of Honor. The session presents the opportunity for Council to engage with the new cohort of AYAPs, on key AU frameworks and initiatives on the YPS agenda and ways through which they can contribute to continental peace and security efforts. Moreover, Burundi wishes to use the forum to showcase its experiences and lessons learned in relation to youth, peace and security.
The next session scheduled for 26 April will be a preparatory meeting regarding two agenda items. The first one will be a preparation for the Extraordinary Summit on Terrorism and Unconstitutional Change of Government (UCG), which is planned to take place by the end of May 2022, in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. The decision to convene an Extraordinary Summit on Terrorism and UCG was made by the AU Assembly at its 35th Ordinary Session (Assembly/AU/Dec. 828(XXXV)), considering the spread of terrorism and the surge in UCG in the continent during the previous year. The second agenda item will be preparation for the PSC meeting on working methods (14th PSC Retreat), also planned to be held in May 2022.
Council will conclude its activities for the month with a briefing on 29 April to be delivered by the PSC Chairperson to the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC), on the Council’s activities for the month of April 2022.
It is also indicated in footnote that consultations may be held between the Chair of the PSC and the UN Security Council (UNSC) President at a time and date to be determined.