Africa and the Summit of the Future: Seizing the new window of opportunity for the reform of the UN Security Council

7 June 2024


Building on the Secretary-General’s proposition in the New Agenda for Peace that ‘[b]uilding the new multilateralism must start with action for peace’ and the Report of the Joint Namibia-Amani Africa High-Level Panel of Experts on Africa and the Reform of the Multilateral System, this special report presents the areas for reform of the collective peace and security system anchored on the UN Charter. This special report also articulates the proposals on the kind of reform that both redresses the historical injustice suffered particularly by Africa and makes the collective peace and security system fit for a multipolar world. In view of the ministerial meeting of the African Union’s Committee of Ten Heads of State and Government on the Reform of the UN Security Council scheduled to take place in Algeria on 9-10 June 2024, this report is intended to inform the engagement of the African Union (AU) and its member states in the various policy processes for reform of multilateralism, most notably the Summit of the Future.

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