Initial Launch of Amani Africa’s 2020 African Union Peace and Security Council Handbook: Guide on the Council’s Procedure, Practice and Traditions

The launch took place through a VTC event, in the presence of honoured members of the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC), Permanent Representatives of various African States to the AU and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), as well as key actors of the AU Peace and Security Department (AUPSD). The basic purpose of the initial launch was to introduce the main features of the inaugural edition of Amani Africa’s 2020 Handbook on the procedures, practices and traditions of the AUPSC, to members of the PSC as well as non-PSC AU Member States. By doing so, the initial launch presented AUPSC members the opportunity to reflect and comment on the Handbook prior to its wider distribution to various stakeholders and the general public.

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