PSC provisional program of work for August 2019
Date | August 2019
For the month of August 2019, Zimbabwe will assume the role of chairing the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC). Prepared under the leadership of Zimbabwe’s Permanent Representative to the AU Albert Chimbindi, the provisional program of work of the PSC for the month envisages some six sessions. The sessions have thematic focus including one open session planned for the month.
On 6 August, the monthly PSC program of work starts with the open session of the month on ‘Natural and Other Disasters and Peace and Security in Africa: Beyond the Normative Frameworks’. This puts spotlight on the role of the PSC with respect to humanitarian action and its operationalization. On the same day, the PSC is expected to consider and adopt the draft provisional program of work for the month of September 2019.
On 8 August the PSC is scheduled to hold the annual consultative meeting with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR). This is in line with the protocol establishing the PSC, which under Article 19 requests the PSC to establish close working relationship with the ACHPR.
The third session of the month taking place on 13 August is expected to review the institutional relationships and partnerships between the AU Commission, non-African states and/or organizations and their impact on the implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and the African Governance Architecture (AGA).
The following day on 14 August the PSC is expected to consider the state of foreign military presence in Africa particularly the implications on the implementation African Common Defense and Security Policy. There have been instances in which concerns have been expressed in the AU on the militarization of some parts of the continent with the presence of foreign military bases, particularly the Horn of Africa and the Sahel.
On 20 August the PSC is scheduled to have three agenda items. First it will deliberate on the cooperation, coordination and collaboration of the AU PSC and Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) on Peace and Security Related Matters on the Continent. It may be recalled that the PSC had its inaugural meeting with the peace and security decision-making organs of RECs/RMs in May. Since then, at the Niamey summit the AU has adopted detailed framework for division of labour between the AU, RECs and member states.
The second agenda item is the monthly update on the harmonization of ACIRC into the ASF Framework. Finally, the PSC will receive a briefing from SADC on the Construction of SADC Standby Force (SADC SF) Regional Logistic Depot (RLD).
The last session of the month is expected to be held on 22 August which will be a brainstorming session on the concept of popular uprisings and how it impacts peace and security on the continent. In addition to these agenda items, the provisional program of the month also envisions in footnotes a briefing on the situation in Sudan that may be added in the course of the month.