Cyber Security – Impact on Peace and Security in Africa

Cyber Security – Impact on Peace and Security in Africa

Date | 13 April 2023

Tomorrow (13 April), the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) is expected to convene its 1148th session to discuss the impacts of cyber threats to peace and security in Africa.

The session opens remarks by Abdelhamid Elgharbi, Permanent Representative of Tunisia and Chairperson of the PSC for the month of April followed by a statement of AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), Bankole Adeoye. The AU Mechanism for Police Cooperation (AFRIPOL); the Committee of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa (CISSA); the AU Department of Infrastructure and Energy; AU Office of the Legal Counsel and the United Nations (UN) International Telecommunication Union (ITU) are also expected to participate in the session.

It was at its 850th session that the PSC, recognising the growing relevance of cyberspace in Africa and the importance of ensuring the safety and security of this space, decided to commit an annual meeting on cyber security. Although this decision hasn’t been regularly implemented, the PSC has dedicated various sessions to the theme, including the 1097th session which last addressed concerns related to cyber security in Africa. Among other critical points, the 1097th session drew attention to the need for enactment of necessary legislations and regulations at national, regional and continental levels to govern issues related to cyberspace. Tomorrow’s session serves to follow up on efforts being deployed to mainstream cybersecurity in all peace and security mechanisms of the AU, Regional Economic Community and Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) and member states.

This session is coming against the background of the major cyberattack against the AU cyber infrastructure. Early in March, the AU was forced to suspend various operations following a massive cyberattack on its data centre, compromising various IT assets and user devices. This attack has led to not only the disruption of the ordinary functioning of the AU but also the loss of data. As a clear illustration of the susceptibility of African infrastructure to cyberattacks and the enormous costs that such attacks occasion, it would be of interest for members of the PSC to seek information on the source of the attack, the scale of damage caused and the measures required for rebuilding and instituting protective measures to address the vulnerabilities in the AU system that were exploited for orchestrating the attack.

There is also anecdotal data that the extent of threats to the cyberspace in Africa is increasing. This is mostly on account of the weak cyber security arrangements. According to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)’s 2021 Africa Cyber Threat Assessment Report, over 90 percent of companies in Africa operate without the necessary cyber security protocols.  Many African institutions and businesses have also come under cyberattack over recent years and continue to be susceptible to the perpetration of various cybercrimes.

The impacts of this are multifaceted. One of the many negative consequences of unprotected cyberspaces is that they result in considerable financial loss as well as data theft, including those related to intellectual property and protected business information. At a larger scale, such form of cyber threats manifest in the form of infrastructural sabotage affecting critical social and economic activities, including trade and commerce. Reports have indicated that in recent years, such form of sabotages have particularly been escalating in the continent, specifically targeting national banks and maritime infrastructures. Ultimately, this will have an adverse impact on Africa’s endeavours to advance economic development.  As emphasised by the PSC at its 850th session, a secure cyberspace is a necessary precondition for ‘reaping the dividends of the digital transformation of Africa and the world and for promoting economic development throughout the Continent’.

Another and perhaps more grave consequence of weak cyber security practices in government and non-governmental institutions in Africa is the fertile ground it creates for anti-peace activities ranging from espionage, to organised crimes and the use of digital space for incitement of violence. With little to no measures put in place to secure the cyberspace, anti-peace entities including terrorist organisations will have ease not only in accessing sensitive data and classified government information, but also in diverting finances to fund their activities, plan their attacks as well as recruit and train others to join their network. It also opens the space and creates the opportunity for the spread of misinformation and incitement of violence, particularly in settings characterised by polarised political tension and dissent. Terrorist groups’ usage of cybercriminals to raise funds through cryptocurrencies and exploration of the dark web by human trafficking networks to lure in travellers through fake tour agency accounts are also among the cyber threats in Africa identified by AFRIPOL.

The imperative for a more robust cybersecurity in Africa will only continue to rise as the continent continues to expand its reliance and use of cyber operated technologies not only for socio-economic activities but also for security purposes as the expansion of the use of drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as well as other artificial intelligence (AI) for enhancing military operations shows. As far as the use of such technologies, particularly what are known as autonomous weapons systems (which Africa is not in possession of), is concerned, Africa has the responsibility for promoting the development and strict enforcement of rules that ensure effective human control over and full responsibility of states for how such technologies are used as the surest means for averting not only breaches of human rights and international humanitarian law rules but also damages that may result from hacking of such technologies.

Africa’s internet and telecom market which has experienced a major boost in recent years is only expected to grow significantly in the near future to accommodate the demands of the continent’s massive population. While this creates great opportunities to advance Africa’s socio-economic and developmental aspirations, it also expands further the nature and extent of cyber threats expected to be experienced. If relevant strategies are not put in place well in advance to avert, manage and effectively respond to these threats, the continent may be facing complex peace and security challenges. According to the 2021 Global Cybersecurity Index, only 29 African countries have introduced cyber security legislation while the remaining majority are yet to adopt relevant rules and regulations to deal with this specific area of concern. This indicates the need for heightened awareness among member states of developments in Africa’s cyberspace and their commitment to take solid steps towards securing it, including through the adoption of relevant normative standards to regulate the safe and secure utilisation of cyberspace.

At the continental level, the AU has already adopted key legal instruments and frameworks relevant to the regulation of cyberspace and for ensuring cyber security in Africa, including the AU Convention on Cyber Security and Personal Data Protection (Malabo Convention); the 2020-2030 Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa; the AU Data Policy Framework and the AU Interoperability Framework for Digital ID. In line with the decision of the Executive Council’s 32nd Ordinary Session [EX.CL/Dec.987(XXXII)], the AU has also established the Cyber Security Expert Group (AUCSEG) which is charged with providing advice to the AU Commission on matters related to cyber security. Few member states such as Botswana, Ghana, Lesotho and South Africa have also made commendable strides towards securing the cyberspace through the adoption of Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity Acts. Despite these encouraging developments, the current efforts to respond to cyber threats are largely disproportional to the magnitude of the challenge in Africa.

The expected outcome of tomorrow’s session is a Communiqué. The PSC is expected to express grave concern over the recent cyberattack the AU experienced and commend AFRIPOL and other relevant AU organs for committing the necessary efforts to resolve the issue. It may emphasise that with growing digitalisation and socio-economic development come increasing cyber threats and as such, call on member states to mainstream cyber security throughout all of their digital endeavours. The PSC may take note of the increasing significance of the digital space for trade and commerce in Africa and call on all relevant stakeholders including member states and the private sector to protect transactions by investing on cyber security measures. It may stress the importance of establishing the normative framework for cyber security and urge member states to adopt the necessary legislation to regulate cyberspace in a manner compatible with human rights norms guaranteeing fundamental rights and freedoms. It may urge member states to ensure responsible use of emerging technologies in efforts aimed at enhancing military capabilities and to put in place the necessary cyber security measures to avert hacking and diversion of such technologies. It may also highlight the need to ensure implementation of existing continental legal frameworks for the protection of cyberspace including the Malabo Convention. It may further encourage RECs/RMs to contribute to cyber security efforts through enactment of relevant strategies for enhancing regional collaboration in taking action against cyber threats. The PSC may call on the AU Commission, AFRIPOL, CISSA working with relevant expert bodies to develop guidance for member states, RECs/RMs and AU institutions on identifying vulnerabilities for cyberattacks and instituting effective cybersecurity measures to avoid the kind of attacks the AU experienced recently.

Prevention of the ideology of hate, genocide and hate crimes in Africa

Prevention of the ideology of hate, genocide and hate crimes in Africa

Date | 6 April 2023

Tomorrow (06 April), the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) will convene its 1147th session, which will be in-person open session on the theme ‘prevention of the ideology of hate, genocide and hate crimes in Africa’.

Following opening remarks by Abdelhamid El Gharbi, Permanent Representative of Tunisia and Chairperson of the PSC for the month of April, AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), Bankole Adeoye, is expected to make a statement. Presentations are also expected by the representative of Rwanda, the Special Advisor of the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, and the representative of the European Union (EU).

Tomorrow’s session is to be convened in line with the Communique of the PSC adopted at the 678th session of April 2017, which decided to convene annually in April an open meeting on the prevention of the ideology of hate, genocide and hate crimes in Africa. It forms part of the annual commemoration of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda that will be observed on 7 April in accordance with the AU Assembly Decision [Assembly/ AU / Dec.695] of 2 July 2018 as well as the Communique of the PSC adopted at its 761st session. As noted in the concept note, the main objective of the annual session is for ‘the PSC, AU Member States and other key stakeholders to reflect and continuously devise means to collectively prevent the ideology of hate, genocide and hate crimes in Africa’.

Various decisions have been taken by the PSC since 2017 to effectively address the challenge of the ideology of hate, genocide and hate crimes in Africa. These include: reinvigorating the early warning mechanism (836th session); including an analysis on indicators of hate crime and risk factors for them to escalate to genocide in the Report of the PSC on its Activities and the State of Peace and Security in Africa (836th session); constructing AU Human Rights Memorial dedicated to victims of human rights violations in Africa (989th session); appointing an AU Special Envoy on the Prevention of Hate Crimes and the Crime of Genocide (989th session); developing a shared definition of what constitutes ‘hate speech’ and ‘hate crimes’ (1088th session); undertaking a review of the status of implementation of the recommendations contained in the Report of the OAU International Panel of Eminent Personalities on the 1994 Rwanda Genocide and the Surrounding Events by the Panel of the Wise (1088th session); establishing an Annual African Forum on the prevention of ideology of hate, hate crimes and genocide (1088th session); and creating an African Centre for the Study of Genocide (1088th session). It would be important for the PSC to follow up on the status of the implementation of these decisions at tomorrow’s session. Among others, considering that 2024 marks 30 years since the occurrence of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis, it would be of interest for members of the PSC to plan for a continental comprehensive stock taking exercise for reaffirming the commitment to never again as enshrined in Article 4 (h) of the Constitutive Act of the AU.

Experiences from the Rwanda and elsewhere in the world clearly highlight that genocide and other atrocity crimes do not occur as isolated event but are often results of sustained hate speech. Hate speech and hate propaganda were identified as catalysts of the genocidal violence in Rwanda. As noted in the concept note prepared for the session, in Rwanda, the ‘genocide ideology was propagated when political leaders using state machinery started branding a section of their own population – the Tutsi – as the ‘other’, ‘enemy of the State’, ‘cockroaches’ who were to be exterminated.’ Indeed, as highlighted in PSC’s 678th session, deliberate tendencies of discrimination, marginalization, tribalism and manipulation of ethnicity often create conducive conditions for hate crimes and ideologies of genocide to thrive.

The nature of hate speech has evolved in complexity as a result of the digital turn, particularly with the widespread use of social media that has dramatically changed the ‘pace and reach of its spread’. This was noted by the PSC on several occasions including at its 836th session, which expressed its ‘deep concern’ over the negative use of social media that contributes to amplify hate speech, hate crimes, and ideology of genocide. Despite that these platforms claim to have invested in safety and security measures including building their capacity to catch hateful and inflammatory content, reports are raising the alarm over the use of social media by different actors to stoke violence particularly in a fragile context.

Countering the rising tide of hate speech and the attendant consequences requires taking effective preventive and mitigation strategies. It is important that Member States put in place the necessary legal framework to punish hate speeches and hate crimes, but this should also strike the right balance with the fundamental human right to freedom of expression. While there is a need to regulate online content, governments also should not fall into the common tactic of internet/social media shutdown as this kind of measure undermines range of human rights, including the right to freedom of speech. Instead, spreading counter-speech that disseminates accurate information and that fosters unity and tolerance is regarded as the proper response to ensure that hate is not the dominant narrative. In addition to these, tomorrow’s session is expected to emphasize on the need to develop comprehensive strategies that focused not only on mitigation measures, but also on prevention to address the scourge in a more sustainable way.

First and foremost, there is a need to address root causes and drivers of ideology of hate, genocide and hate crimes. Socio-economic and political marginalization, competing aspirations, and contested historical narratives often sow the seeds of mistrust and fear among different groups, which leads to polarization and tension. Accordingly, building credible state institutions, fostering peaceful and inclusive societies including through national dialogue, deepening democracy and participatory as well as inclusive governance, and ensuring equitable and inclusive socio-economic developments could be highlighted as important steps in addressing the underlying causes and drivers of hate.

Second and related to the first is the imperative of leveraging education, both in formal and non-formal settings, as a tool for addressing all forms of intolerance, discrimination and hate while simultaneously building a generation that embrace cultural diversity and promote peaceful coexistence.

Third, there is also a need to enhance prevention strategies at all levels (national, regional, and continental) through early warning system that would enable us to detect early signs of genocide and other atrocity crimes. Equally important is translating the early signs into early response, although denialism and a very restrictive interpretation of the principle of sovereignty by Member States have proved to be a challenge in that regard.

Fourth and importantly, there is a need for the establishment of an inclusive system of governance that is representative of all sectors of society and their interests. More often than not, the sense of alienation, exclusion and discrimination in a context of power contestations is what creates the setting for the emergence of identity-based antagonism, precipitating hate speech and incitement of violence. It is of paramount importance that the conditions of bad governance and lack of inclusiveness is also addressed.

The expected outcome of the session is likely to be a communique. As in the previous sessions, PSC may express its concern over the persistent trend of the ideologies of hate, genocide and hate crimes in Africa, and in that regard, it may highlight the importance of developing comprehensive strategies to counter the ideologies of hate, genocide, and hate crimes. It may condemn in the strongest terms denialism and revisionism of the genocide against Tutsi as this threatens the perpetuation and manifestations of hate speech and crimes. As part of the effort to counter hate speech and crimes, PSC may highlight different measures, including encouraging Member States to establish/strengthen their legal framework to combat the scourge and meet their international obligations, as well as ratify/accede to relevant international legal instruments notably the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. While stressing the importance of the responsible use of the media, and in particular the social media, PSC may also remind Member States about the need to ensure that measures to combat hate speech and hate crimes do not violate accepted principles and standards of human rights. In relation to enhancing the prevention strategies, PSC may reiterate the need for addressing structural causes and drivers of hate speech and hate crimes including through credible national dialogue, education, and other national initiatives to entrench the culture of peaceful coexistence and democracy, and foster national unity and reconciliation. It is also expected to re-emphasize the importance of enhancing AU’s early warning mechanism to detect early warning signs and take early response before hate speech and crimes degenerate into violent conflicts and genocide. Furthermore, considering the various decisions of the PSC that have been taken since 2017 to effectively address the scourge of hate speech and hate crimes and considering that 2024 marks the 30 years commemoration of the 1994 genocide, PSC may request the AU Commission to plan a high-level and comprehensive stocktaking on progress made and challenges faced in implementing never again.