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Climate Change and Natural Disaster
Consultations on the Common African Position vis-à-vis climate change, peace and security
by Amani Africa
Briefing on the African Continental Climate Security Risk Assessment Report on Climate Change, Peace and Security Nexus, and the Report of the Chairperson of AUC on the Study on the Nexus between Climate Change, Peace and Security in Africa
by Amani Africa
Update on the impact of climate change on peace and security
by Amani Africa
Amani Africa statement on the climate and security nexus in preparation of COP27
by Amani Africa
Ministerial Meeting on Climate Change, Peace and Security Nexus: Building Resilience and Adaptation for Food Security in African Island States Towards COP27
by Amani Africa
Debate on climate change, peace and security in Africa
by Amani Africa
Climate Change and Peace and Security in Africa
by Amani Africa
Disaster Management in Africa: Challenges and Perspectives for Human Security
by Amani Africa
Briefing on the Locust Invasion in East Africa
by Amani Africa
Climate change and its impact on Island States in Africa
by Amani Africa
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