Amani Africa Profile
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AU Summit Resources
Illicit Weapons – Use Proliferation and Disarmament
Consideration of the Draft Common African Position on the 4th Review Conference of the United Nations (UN) Program of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in all its Aspects (UNPoA)
by Amani Africa
International Day on Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
by Amani Africa
Briefing on the activities of the AFCONE and CTBTO
by Amani Africa
Briefing on Disarmament and Control of Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons in Africa
by Amani Africa
Briefing on Mine Action
by Amani Africa
Briefing by African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE) on the implementation of Pelindaba Treaty
by Amani Africa
Briefing on Continental and Regional activities in the area of Mine Action in Africa
by Amani Africa
Consideration of the Mapping Study on Illicit Arms Flows in Africa
by Amani Africa
Open Session on Protection of civilians against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas
by Amani Africa
Sensitisation Session on International Disarmament
by Amani Africa
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