Sustainable Peace in Africa and Implementation of Paragraph 15 of Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1(XIV)

Amani Africa

Date | 09 March, 2021

Tomorrow (09 March) the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) will convene its 984th session. In this first Heads of State and Government session of the PSC since February 2020, there are two agenda items that the session is envisaged to address. The first one will be on sustainable peace in Africa, which will have a particular focus on climate change and its impacts on peace and security on the continent. The second agenda item will be a follow up on the implementation of paragraph 15 of the decision on Silencing the Guns of the 14th Extraordinary summit, held at the level of Heads of State and Government (Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1(XIV)). According to PSC’s agenda for the 984th session, Council will also be addressing any other issues under ‘AOB’.

Opening remarks are expected to be delivered by H.E Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya and PSC Chairperson for March 2021; H.E Félix Tshisekedi, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Chairperson of the AU; and H.E Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU Commission. The Representative of the UN Secretary General, as well as H.E Smail Chergui, Commissioner for Peace and Security, will also be making presentations with regards to both agenda items. In addition, a statement will be delivered by H.E Josefa Correia Sacko, Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture regarding the first agenda item with specific reference to climate change. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the PSC, on the second agenda item, the Heads of State of the two states concerned, namely His Majesty Mohammed VI, King of the Kingdom of Morocco and H.E Brahim Ghali, President of Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, are expected to make statements. The AU Troika – DRC, Senegal and South Africa – are also expected to take active part in the discussions of both agenda items, along with all PSC Member States.

Since its first session on the issue of climate change and peace and security in Africa at its 585th session in 2016, the PSC has held a further four sessions focusing on this theme, namely the 660th, 708th, 774th and 828th sessions. The most recent previous PSC session of the 828th session had a focus on funding for climate change to contribute towards the maintenance of peace and security, in line with the African Adaptation Initiative (AAI) – an initiative launched with the aim of ensuring that Africa urgently adapts to the adverse effects of climate change. It is to be recalled that Council noted the inextricable linkage between climate change and peace and security.

Tomorrow’s discussion on climate change is expected to emphasise the serious implications of climate change on peacebuilding efforts in the continent, as well as its effects on socio-economic developments and emerging threats to security in Africa, such as terrorism. Despite contributing only 4 % of global carbon dioxide emissions, African countries carry nearly 60 percent of the double burden of climate change induced severe weather events and political fragility risks in the world. In this context, Sacko is expected to highlight how climate change induced environmental degradation and depletion of scarce resources affect food security, social cohesion and stability and how extreme weather events such as severe droughts, floods and cyclones increasingly threaten the security of people on the continent. The PSC, at its 901st session, stressing that natural disasters and climate change contribute to exacerbating existing tensions, called on states ‘to reinforce measures to address effects of climate change, environmental degradation and natural disasters, particularly in conflict-affected areas within the context of the AU Solemn Declaration to Silence the Guns in Africa by the Year 2020.’ Indeed, inter-communal clashes, exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, has become a major source of violence in Nigeria and in much of the Sahel in recent years. Having regard to the unavoidable interlinkage between climate change and peace and security, Council may call on Member States to contextualise climate change impacts in their national peacebuilding efforts and implementation of all relevant resolutions and instruments within the African peacebuilding architecture.

In addition to its climate change focused discussion, Council is also expected to reflect more broadly on steps required to ensure sustainability of peace on the continent. To that end, it may evaluate policy measures adopted at the international, regional and national levels in order to assess their effectivity in addressing the root causes of violence in Africa. The role the youth for maintaining peace and security on the continent, particularly in ensuring sustainability of efforts is also of considerable value and may be an area of reflection. The PSC may also reflect on finding ways to increase predictable financing of peacebuilding efforts in Africa, specifically, of those set under AU’s Silencing the Guns (STG) initiative and Agenda 2063.

The second agenda item is a follow up on the implementation of paragraph 15 of Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1(XIV). ‘Expressing deep concern over the escalating military tensions between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Sahrawi Republic that have developed in Al- Guerguerat, the narrow Buffer Strip in Western Sahara, leading to the violation of the 1991 Ceasefire Agreement’, the AU Assembly in that paragraph calls on the PSC to engage the Kingdom of Morocco and Sahrawi Republic to address the escalating military tension. According to the Assembly, this is critical ‘in order to prepare conditions for a new cease-fire and to reach a just and durable solution to the conflict, which will provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara in line with the relevant AU-UN decisions and resolutions and the objectives and principles of the Constitutive Act of the African Union.’ As observed in the information note for the session, the latest escalation of tension came about ‘when, on 13 November 2020, Moroccan forces entered the buffer strip of Al-Guerguerat to dismiss Polisario protesters,’ promoting the POLISARIO Front representing the SADR to announce that the incident involved violation of the ceasefire and marked an end to the ceasefire including Military Agreement 1.

In addition to these recent political and security concerns, the information note for the session identifies three issues relating to the situation. One of these is the humanitarian situation in the region, which has become a cause for heightened concern, especially in light of outbreak of covid-19 pandemic and humanitarian aid reduction. PSC is expected to express concern in that regard and appeal to the international community to mobilise support to address the humanitarian situation, particularly the plight of refugees in the region.

According to the information note for the session, the other issue is Illegal exploitation of natural resources by people who are not of Saharawi origin. In this respect, the information note states that, ‘Western Sahara, as non-self- governing territory ought to have its natural resources protected for the benefit of its own people, and the international community ought therefore to ensure this protection.’ The third area of concern is the human rights situation in the territory. On this as well, the information note states that ‘the situation of human rights need an independent, impartial and transparent monitoring’, while noting that ‘efforts to introduce a human rights component in the mandate of MINURSO have so far failed.’

Although it is a matter that falls within the mandate of the PSC, this is one of the most politically contentious issues. It is to be recalled that the AU Assembly at its July 2018 summit in Nouakchott decided to entrust the follow up of this issue to ‘an African mechanism comprising the AU Troika, namely the outgoing, the current and the incoming Chairpersons, as well as the Chairperson of the Commission, to extend effective support to the UN efforts’. As noted in the information note for this session, several efforts for convening of the inaugural AU Meeting of the Troika Mechanism on Western Sahara on the sidelines of the AU Summits in 2019 and 2020 ‘were never successful because of pressing commitments of the members and the attempt to have the meeting in February 2021 on the margins of the 34th ordinary session ‘was cancelled, again due to the non-availability of the other Troika members.’

Tomorrow’s session accordingly comes against the background of not only the emergence of new escalation of tension threatening the 1991 ceasefire but also such lack of progress to launch the Troika Mechanism of the July 2018 decision of the AU Assembly. Despite the fact that positions of revenant actors seem to remain entrenched, this session could thus serve as an opportunity for both salvaging the 1991 ceasefire and to create conditions for finding lasting solution for the situation. It remains to be seen whether this session will craft a process for a more active engagement on this issue and the modality for following up on this issue within the framework of the AU.

Within the broad theme of sustainable peace in Africa, the PSC may also discuss some of the most pressing conflict situations and threats to peace and security. This may include country specific conflict situations. It is to be recalled that at its 929th meeting, which had a focus on cessation of hostilities within the context of COVID-19, the PSC addressed itself to the conflict in northern Mozambique.

The outcome document of the session could be adopted in the form of a communiqué. In addition, the outcome of the first agenda item is expected to summarise key policy recommendations on opportunities, mechanisms and partnerships for sustaining peace. With respect to climate change and peace and security, the PSC may decide to have this as a standing agenda item and request the AU Commission to present report on how climate change affects peace and security in Africa and the ways in which climate issues can be taken into account across the peace and security cycle of the AU including conflict prevention, management, resolution and post conflict reconstruction and development. It could also reiterate previous PSC decisions including those relating to preparedness and funding for climate adaptation. Council is expected to adopt a report highlighting the ways towards operationalising peacebuilding approaches, which would direct current and future initiatives aimed at implementing approaches for sustaining peace. On implementation of paragraph 15 of the Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1(XIV), the PSC may express concern about the recent flareup of conflict and call for the need to address ‘the causes of the violation of the cease fire and military agreement number one in Guergueret which prompted the resumption of the war’. The PSC may also underscore the need for the protection of the resources of the non-self-governing territory for the benefit of its own people, for the parties to uphold their obligations for protecting human rights and for the international community to address the humanitarian situation. Reference may also be made to the need for the reinvigoration of the engagement of the AU High Representative, to holding consultations for the return of the AU Observer Mission to Laayoune, in order to facilitate operational coordination with the UN and to previous decisions calling on the parties to engage in direct and serious talks without preconditions under the auspices of the AU and the UN.

The Unified Role of the African Members of the UN Security Council (A3) in the United Nations Security Council

Amani Africa

Date | 04 March, 2021

Tomorrow (04 March) the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) is expected to convene its 983rd session on the unified role of the African three elected members (A3) of the United Nations (UN) Security Council (UNSC). The timing of this session is not accidental considering that Kenya, which serves in both the PSC and the UNSC, has just joined the UNSC as the newest member of the A3.

The Permanent Representative of Kenya to AU, Jean Kamau is expected to make an opening remark. The PSC is expected to receive update from the AU Commission, including through the AU Permanent Observer Mission to the UN. Apart from the inputs from the representatives of members of A3, namely Kenya, Niger and Tunisia, representatives of Amani Africa and the Institute for Security Studies are scheduled to present briefings to the PSC. Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the UN Office to the AU, H.E. Madam Hanna Tetteh may also make statement.

The last time the PSC convened a dedicated session on the issue was at its 595th meeting held in April 2016. However, the Council also convened its 937th session held on 24 July 2020 to discuss with the A3 members as part of the coordinating efforts between the two. At that session, the A3 coordinator briefed the Council on the initiatives taken to promote and champion African common positions in the UNSC.

As highlighted in the concept note for the session, tomorrow’s session serves to take stoke of the progresses made and the challenges over the years in respect of the A3 channeling African common positions in the decision making process of the UNSC on matters that are of concern to the continent and explore ways and means of strengthening the coordination and cooperation among the A3 and between them and the PSC with the view to enable them discharge their ‘special responsibility’ of reflecting African common positions in the UNSC.

The statements from the A3 and the briefings are expected to highlight not only recent experiences of the A3 in representing the position of the AU and in facilitating coordination between the PSC and the UNSC but also emerging good practices in the coordination within the A3 and between the A3 and other role players including the PSC. Some of the practices that will receive mention for further consolidation include organization of joint meetings including Arria Formula meetings, making joint statements, joint press statements and stakeouts and presenting/initiating joint draft resolutions, and, to a limited extent, assuming the role of pen-holding or co-pen holding.

Another issue that is expected to receive attention is how to deal with the dynamics in the UNSC. Though African matters used to be less contentious in the UNSC, both deepening divisions among the P5 and Africa’s changing geopolitics affecting how the UNSC deals with African files and importantly the cohesion of the A3. As highlighted in Amani Africa special report on the relationships between the UNSC and the PSC, the ‘deepening polarization of members of the P5’ and the enormous pressure coming from them African matters is increasingly testing the unity of the A3 and at times, causing split. This is more so in a context where there is discord between sub-regional arrangements (RECs) and the AU (PSC). A good example in this respect is the diverging position taken by AU and SADC in response to the announcement of the provisional results of the Presidential election in DRC in January 2019, also causing a split between members of the A3 on how the UNSC should respond to the disputed result.

Of a particular interest to the PSC at its tomorrow session is means of strengthening coordination and cooperation between the PSC and the A3. One of the positive steps which needs to be further capitalized is the annual high-level seminar on peace and security in Africa. Convened on annual basis since its inaugural in 2013 at Algiers, the seminar is serving as an important platform for the A3 and PSC members to share experiences and institutional memories, understand and exchange views on peace and security issues in the continent and foster common position. As captured in Amani Africa’s fifth special report, it is high time to revamp the ‘high-level interest’ in the seminar as well as explore ways of follow up to the implementations of the conclusions of the high-level seminars regarding coordination between the A3 and the PSC.

The briefing from the AU Commission is also expected to highlight about the role of the AU Permanent Observation Mission to the UN, in New York and the progresses achieved in terms of discharging its central role in facilitating communication between the A3 and the PSC. The capacity of the office, which is serving as the Secretariat of the A3 and its institutional memory, needs to be strengthened. In this regard, PSC decision during its 478th session to adequately staff the mission with experienced and high-ranking officers and mobilize more funding is long overdue for full implementation.

The PSC is also expected to explore means of enhancing its direct engagement with the A3 through increased regular consultations and the latter’s more involvement in its sessions as the Council is expected to provide sufficient support and timely guidance to the A3 in discharging their responsibilities. The participation of A3 in the PSC sessions would improve A3’s capacity in shaping the discussions and decisions of both the PSC and UNSC, which eventually bridges the gap between the two counterparts in Addis Ababa and New York in the maintenance of international peace and security. With the A3 taking part in its meetings, the PSC can scan the dynamics in the UNSC on agenda items under its consideration, at the same time would inform the A3 about its views and positions which they need to reflect in the UNSC.

Two issues are likely to feature in tomorrow’s session within the context of increasing the capacity and leverage of A3 in the UNSC: the pen holder system and mobilizing support from other members of the UNSC.

Taking shape around 2010, the P3 have established the ‘pen holder system’ where they divide the role of drafting UNSC outcome documents among themselves including on African matters. France serves as pen holder for most of the Francophone African issues while US and UK leads on Sudan and Somalia, respectively. The implication of this practice is that the A3 members are marginalized from taking the lead and shape outcome documents meaningfully on matters of concern to the continent.

Despite PSC’s call in its 478th session for the A3 members to be given the status of pen holder and co-pen holders, progress remains limited. The PSC is expected to explore further options to enhance the role of the A3 in pen holding or co-pen holding.

Representatives of the A3 are likely to discuss efforts made in mobilizing support from other members of the UNSC. An interesting development in this regard is the alliance created with Saint Vincent and the Grenadines since it took its two-year seat in January 2020, forming the A3+1. The A3 and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines were able to deliver joint statements on several occasions. Building on this experience, the A3 are expected to broaden the scope of alliance in the future, particularly with the Caribbean group in the UNSC with the aim to amplify African voices in the Council.

The expected outcome is a communique. The PSC is expected to congratulate Kenya for its election as non-permanent member of the UNSC and commend Republic of South Africa as an outgoing member as well as Niger and Tunisia as sitting members of the Council for the role played in articulating, coordinating, promoting and defending African perspectives and common positions in the UNSC. In light of emerging challenges that the division in the UNSC is posing to the role of the A3, the PSC may reiterate its call for the A3 to stick to the decisions and positions of the AU in all circumstances and further strengthen cohesion and coordination among themselves and with the PSC. In this respect, the Council is likely to make reference to the Decision of the Assembly adopted by the 26th Ordinary session held in January 2016 which states the ‘special responsibility’ of the A3 in reflecting the PSC decisions in the decision making process of the UNSC. In terms of enhancing its coordination and cooperation with the A3, it may urge the AU Commission to take all steps to ensure that the AU Permanent Observer Mission to the UN is fully capacitated and resourced. With regards to boosting the capacity of the A3 in shaping the dynamics in the UNSC, the PSC may commend the efforts of the A3 in reaching out to other members of the Council with the aim to foster a unified position with the A3 and may further encourage them to broaden alliance with other members, notably from the Caribbean group. The Council may also reiterate its call for members of A3 to be given the status of pen holder or co-pen holder on peace and security issues in Africa. The Council may finally look forward to the convening of the upcoming high-level seminar on the peace and security in Africa, which is slated for November according to the indicative annual program of the Council, and encourage A3 and PSC members as well as the AU Permanent Observer Mission to regularize consultations and exchange of information.

Monthly Digest on the AUPSC - March 2021

Amani Africa

Date | March 2021

In March, Kenya was the chair of the PSC. A total of five substantive sessions were convened via video teleconferencing (VTC) during the month and one of the sessions had two separate agenda items. Although the month’s programme of work envisaged a session on the situation in South Sudan, the session was not convened during the month.

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Provisional Programme of Work of the PSC for the Month of March 2021

Amani Africa

Date | March 2021

Kenya will be chairing the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) during the month of March. PSC’s Provisional Programme of Work (PoW) for the month, considered via email exchange, shows that Council is scheduled to consider one country specific situation and four thematic agenda items. All sessions will be conducted virtually. Two sessions will be held at a ministerial level and one at the level of Heads of State and Government. The PoW also envisages that the PSC will conduct a filed visit to South Sudan, from 28 to 30 March and another field visit to Sudan from 30 March to 1 April.

The first session of the month is scheduled to take place on 4 March. This session will be addressing the role of the African three elected members (A3) of in the UN Security Council (UNSC). The last PSC session dedicated to this theme was its 595th meeting which took place in 2016. At that session, Council mainly focused on emphasising the responsibility of A3 States to ensure that PSC’s positions are well reflected in the decision making of UNSC regarding all peace and security concerns related to Africa. To that end, the PSC made a call for African States who assume A3 position to regularly brief the AU Commission on their efforts to promote PSC articulated African common positions at the UNSC. It is worth noting that the PSC holds its high-level seminars focusing on the A3 on an annual basis and the last one took place in Libreville, Gabon in January 2020.

The second session of the month is scheduled to take place on 9 March. This session will be held at the level of Heads of State and Government and will be committed to a discussion on sustainable peace in Africa. The session agenda has two segments. The first focuses on climate change and its impact on peace and security in the continent. The second segment is to follow up on paragraph 15 of the decision on Silencing the Guns of 14th Extraordinary summit held at the level of Heads of State and Government (Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1(XIV)), which calls on the PSC to engage the Kingdom of Morocco and Sahrawi Republic to address the escalating military tension.

On 12 March, the PSC will consider and adopt its programme of work for the month of April, which will be circulated via email to all members of Council for comments and feedback.

On 16 March, PSC will convene its country specific session of the month which will be addressing the situation in Sudan. It is to be recalled that at its 952nd meeting, PSC highlighted, among others, the expected establishment of the Transitional Legislative Assembly on 3 December 2020. Its upcoming session presents Council the opportunity to follow up on this and other developments. In addition, Council may also welcome and reflect on the recent cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, adhering to the terms of the 3 October 2020 Peace Agreement signed between the transitional government and some rebel groups. In addition to considering updates on the situation in Sudan, it is envisaged that the session will also serve as a preparation for Council’s upcoming field visit.

The next session scheduled to take place on 18 March aims to address the “emerging challenges and critical lessons for sustainable peacekeeping operations”. This session is envisaged to take place at the level of ministers. Major concerns such as the lack of sustainable and predictable financing of peace and security initiatives in the continent, and recent developments in peace support operations in Africa including the end of UNAMID and the developments relating to AMISOM and MNJTF could be addressed at the meeting.

On 22 March, the PSC is scheduled to convene its second ministerial level meeting on the theme “women, peace and sustainable development in Africa”. While the theme ‘women, peace and security’ (WPS) is a standing agenda item of the PSC, the focus on sustainable development will be a new addition. The session is expected to receive report from the AU Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security. As can be recalled, WPS was first introduced as a standing agenda item of the PSC in March of 2010, making the upcoming session coincide with the 11th year of Council’s deliberation on the topic.

As mentioned above, Council’s last activity of the month will be its field visit to South Sudan, planned to take place 28 to 30 March and another filed visit to Sudan, scheduled for 30 March to 1 April.

Monthly Digest on the AUPSC - March 2021

Amani Africa

Date | March 2021

In March, Kenya was the chair of the PSC. A total of five substantive sessions were convened via video teleconferencing (VTC) during the month and one of the sessions had two separate agenda items. Although the month’s programme of work envisaged a session on the situation in South Sudan, the session was not convened during the month.

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